Class of 1961 Scholarship

I have received this note and progress report on our Class Scholarhips from Glenn and Dick.

Members of the Albion College Class of 1961, Dick Swain and Glenn Corliss got together last fall to discuss ways they could give back to Albion College. Both classmates were supported during their college career by scholarships, and according to Glenn he wants to "express his appreciation by making it possible for some of today’s students to receive the same kind of scholarship support." Dick agrees and recognizes that he too depended on scholarships in order to complete his degree at Albion, and wants to make sure that he provides the same opportunity for current students striving to reach their education goals.

Inspiration for the Class of 1961 Scholarship has come from many places, but for Glenn it comes from his grandmother. He remembers her steadfast Christian faith, and her belief that you can never be too generous when someone is in need. Glenn wants to continue the legacy of his grandmother and, along with his classmates, continue the Class of 1961's legacy of giving back to Albion College.

The current total of the gifts, matches, and pledges for the Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship comes to $42,025.00. Cash amount is $28,325, matching $2500 and pledged is $11,200. Your support of Albion College is greatly appreciated!