Saturday, February 5, 2011

Welcome Class of '61

Welcome - Class of 1961.  Our 50th Class Reunion is at Homecoming on September 24, 2011.  This Blog contains links for you to share Class Notes, Stories and Careers.  Be sure your email address is current on the College Directory; call: Marie Ames - 517.629.0208 or email:

Use the sidebar links to navigate to different topics.  You will find classmate-author entries on the left side of the following pages.  Names are: first name & initial of your COLLEGE day's last name.  Select a classmate-author to see their note or story.  Links are for:

Class Notes:   like the Class Notes you see in Io Triumphe! - brief summary for all folk.
Class Stories: short stories by classmates from our college days and experiences.
Careers:         experiences we share with College students to assist with career decisions
Albion Home Page:   this link returns you to the College web site.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 50th Reunion.  I encourage all of you to send in your Class Notes and Stories which will be posted and shared with your classmates.  Send me an email with the attached class note - story. (I'm in the College Directory.)
I will post; first come, first serve.   '61 Secretary - Bruce Fitch.